Welcome to AJM Painting Pro

Residential and Commercial painting

+1 (647) 225 2414

House painting with a professional and superior quality team, get the job done right!

Who we are

Inspire your space through art and design.

Your spaces as you have always dreamed them.

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Years Experience

You have a big project coming up, and you need a professional and reliable team AJM is here to help!

That’s why we’re here! We’ve been painting interiors and exteriors for the last 20 years, and we know our stuff inside and out. We’ll make sure your home is done in time for its big reveal—and it will be done just the way you want it

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What we offer

Discover the harmony of colors, textures, and patterns.

AJM painting pro offers residential and commercial painting.

AJM provide stanning services and exterior painting.

We help the customers with ideas colour consultations And none fee quotes.

Power washing service is available as well.

Our Work

What they says about us.

Contact Us

Let's get together and create your dream home.

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